In my point of view, teachers should raise awareness among children, on how to use social media. It should not be banned for them, because they are also a part of this platform, and have a right to enjoy and participate in the online world. From Mr Khan Prince Dubai...
On the one hand, some children using phones at school could lose focus on studying. Phones have been developed and had many entertain applications or websites. Therefore, if students are banned from using those electrical devices, they would pay more attention to their lessons at school. To il...
Art classes, such as painting or drawing, are as important for children's development as other subjects, so it should be compulsory in high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledg...
And of course it is a lack of sleep that research is showing can have a damaging effect on a child's mental health."The parents are told that children will be asked to break off at least every two hours and avoid social media before bedtime. The UK would be following in the footsteps...
social media accounts. Louisiana has its own version of rules for kids who can start using social media. And Max, you shared the Associated Press article from Jeff Amy that Georgia could join other states in requiring children younger than 16 to have their parents' explicit pe...
sleep that research is showing can have a damaging effect on a child's mental health." The parents are told that children will be asked to break off at least every two hours and avoid social media before...
A.cherish B.perish C.Irish 查看答案
所属专辑:The Big Debate大辩论 2021 音频列表 1 Should people spend less time at work? 213 2023-08 2 Should loot box be banned for children? 43 2023-08 3 Should vehicles be banned from the city? 44 2023-08 4 Should classrooms have CCTV?
“Even if they don’t do it, they told us to stay out of it, because it doesn’t look good when you say, ‘No, we want to be able to spank children,'" Rivera said. The law does not apply to home schools. Home-schooled students are subject ...
Should loot box be banned for children? 44 2023-08 2 Should vehicles be banned from the city? 45 2023-08 3 Should classrooms have CCTV? 38 2023-08 4 Should people keep treasure they find? 32 2023-08 5 Are film remakes unnecessary?