Should eg have full stops? Most style guides recommend writing abbreviations without full stops. It's not wrong to include them, but it does look a little old-fashioned these days. However, some style guides do say that 'eg' and 'ie' should havefull stops. ... In short: you can writ...
Abbreviations AP: Amaraughaprabodha AŚ: Amaraughaśāsana AS: Amṛtasiddhi of Virūpākṣanātha AY: Amanaskayoga DYŚ: Dattātreyayogaśāstra GŚ: Gorakṣaśataka HP: Haṭhapradīpikā of Svātmārāma HR: Haṭharatnāvalī of Srinivasa KhV: Khecarīvidyā SSP...
Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript: IWW/iww Inland waterways GIS Geographic information systems ABM Agent-based modelling LSP Logistics service provider AIS Automatic identification system Appendix A. Simulation Pseudo-Codes The pseudo-codes listed below contain additional pa...