The title of a source must be either underlined or italicized, but not both.The Harvard Style has no preference to either; however, consistency should be maintained throughout the document. Do departments get capitalized? Names of departmentsare capitalized only when using the full formal name, o...
a. Should be in bold. b. Should be in italics. c. Should be underlined. d. None of the above APA Format: A research paper in psychology will use APA-style formatting to include a tile page. This page will include a running head, a...
You can always enter your memoir in this summer’s adult contest ) If you are entering memoir and don’t want to use your real name, it’s fine to use a fake one; just make sure that you let us know, so we announce the right name when you win. Either way, no profanity...
STURROCK: Well, I'm not presenting my belief. I'm presenting the assessment of a panel of scientist who met with a group of eight investigators. The investigators were asked to present whatever physical evidence they found in the course of their research. And the only question asked of the...