Be aware that some Shotokan schools state that they practice 27 official Shotokan katas. Their kata list often includesTaikyoku Shodan(a kihon kata) as well as the traditional 26 Shotokan kata. Why is kata important? Many differentKaratestyles use kata in order to help students practice certain ...
• Which kata did I study last ? The list with the kata forms is build as a to-do-list. Depending on your progress, you can hook a kata off to change its order for a better overview. •The portrait mode allows you to recognize and study important details, since illustrations are ...
• Which kata did I study last ? The list with the kata forms is build as a to-do-list. Depending on your progress, you can hook a kata off to change its order for a better overview. •The portrait mode allows you to recognize and study important details, since illustrations are ...
• Which kata did I study last ? The list with the kata forms is build as a to-do-list. Depending on your progress, you can hook a kata off to change its order for a better overview. •The portrait mode allows you to recognize and study important details, since illustrations are ...
• Which kata did I study last ? The list with the kata forms is build as a to-do-list. Depending on your progress, you can hook a kata off to change its order for a better overview. •The portrait mode allows you to recognize and study important details, since illustrations are ...