This page provides written & video instructions for the 26 mainShotokankatas. It has information on Shotokan kihon katas. In addition, this section explores themeaning of each Shotokan Karate katabecause many Shotokan schools question their students about these kata meanings during belt tests. For in...
Karate Belt Order Shotokan Read More Karate Belt Order Shotokan November 12, 2024 Unlocking the Secrets of Karate: Mastering Kata for White Belts Read More Unlocking the Secrets of Karate: Mastering Kata for White Belts October 3, 2024
te (手) hand (as in karate, which means ’empty hand’) ude (腕) arm hiji (肘) elbow kata (肩) shoulder waki (わき) underarm, or the area under the shoulders ashi (足) leg or foot kubi (首) neck tekubi (手首) wrist (lit. “hand-neck”) ashikubi (足首) ankle (lit. “...
NameOriginal NameMeaning KihonTaikyoku (Shodan)Basic/Essential (First cause) – There were originally six kata in this series Heian ShodanPinan NidanPeace or Tranquility (literally “Great Peace”, sometimes translated as “Calm Mind” or “Peaceful Mind”) ...
Fun fact: Sensei Novely is a master of Karate trivia and kata variations! Yong –Sensei Yong has been diligently working on Karate and other martial arts for many years and when called upon to help others he does so with an authentic desire to help. Yong has excellent basic form that ...
Kaizen Shotokan Karate Club is based in Birmingham and affiliated to the Karate Union of Great Britain (KUGB). The Meaning of Kaizen The word Kaizen means continuous improvement, often taking place one small step at a time. The “zen” in Kaizen emphasizes the learn-by-doing aspect of improv...
What Is the Hardest Kata in Shotokan Karate? Other Difficult Katas Bassai-Dai, Bassai-Sho, Jion, Kanku-Dai, Hangetsu, Gankaku, Sochin, Meikyo, Wankan, Jiin, Tekki-Shodan, Tekki-Nidan, Tekki-Sandan, Jitte, Enpi, Godju-Shiho-Dai and Chinte. Bassaid-Dai and Bassai-Sho are the Tekki ka...
Examines performance changes in ten experienced black-belt subjects on each of the five Heian (peaceful mind) kata or forms of the Japan Karate Association. Relation of times to complete the Heian kata to the complexity of Heian ranking; Tendency to have more slow moves as complexity increased....
As the Sebastian Karate School, teaching Shotokan, we welcome kids and adults of all ages and levels to experience martial arts. We offer unparalleled traditional Shotokan Karate instruction, and self defense training classes. Our karate school employs t
Thoughts about teaching karate… There are others who teach the way I do, but we are a small minority. One student from another dojo, after visiting us for several days, told me that I had spoiled him for training anywhere else. He said that he had never known that there could be anyt...