Silicon Valley Shotokan Karate’s instructors are arguably among the best anywhere. They teach traditional technique in an innovative style, striving to accelerate the learning process. Many of our instructors started their karate training over 30 years ago, in the 1980s (five started in the 1980...
te (手) hand (as in karate, which means ’empty hand’) ude (腕) arm hiji (肘) elbow kata (肩) shoulder waki (わき) underarm, or the area under the shoulders ashi (足) leg or foot kubi (首) neck tekubi (手首) wrist (lit. “hand-neck”) ashikubi (足首) ankle (lit. “...
All students are invited to participate in ISKF Master Camp, one of the greatest karate training camps in the world. These camps are held annually for seven days in the beginning of June. ISKF Master Camp is located at Camp Green Lane, just outside Philadelphia, PA. Several great masters o...
I began training in Shotokan karate in 1982 and found I really enjoyed it. I was at the dojo for an hour or two each day, 5-6 days a week, often self-training at home in addition, until I passed myshodanunder Mori Sensei (New York, head of Shotokan Karate-do International, affiliat...
Traditional Japanese karate is a martial art that develops core strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and mental concentration. The goals of Karate training include self-defense, physical fitness, confidence, competition, and fun. Our dojo is known for the friendly discipline of our classes and...
Karate has been theoretically linked to the development of body awareness and spirituality. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine these constructs in long-term (at least five and then at least 10 years) Shotokan karate practitioners (n = 77) and a control group (n = 49). ...
Layton, C. (2000) Scores on trait and state anxiety of female karateka before the commencement of Shotokan karate training. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 91, 1020.Scores on trait and state anxiety of female karateka before the commencement of shotokan karate training. Perceptual and Motor Skills ...