You should only ever use ammunition appropriate for your shotgun. For example, you would only use 12 gauge shells in a 12 gauge shotgun. If you wanted to shoot 20 gauge ammo, you need to use a 20 gauge shotgun. While not necessarily bad for home defense in a vacuum, I'll explain ...
An extendedmagazineis good, but you are unlikely to need more than a few shells in a home defense situation. As a counterpoint, you are unlikely to have more than the gun load in the shotgun when you need it, and an extended magazine may hold eight shells or more —a good reserve of...
There are three types of shotgun ammunition; buckshot, birdshot and slug. The best type of shotgun ammunition for home defense is buckshot. These are basically large lead balls inside shells that get loaded into the shotgun. Most people use buckshot for hunting big animals, but they are su...
Like rubber buckshot, bean bag shotshells are used as a non-lethal alternative for crowd control or to effectively stop an assailant. This makes bean bag shotshells a popular home or personal defense alternative, where penetration by a standard shotgun shell could pose problems. Slugs The most ...
Home Defense: AR vs. Shotgun | Gun DigestWhich is the better choice for home defense?Richard A. Mann
as a house or truck gun. Many see the shotgunas the ultimate problem solver. While theshotgunis easily the most effective of the three firearms we are likely to use—the rifle, handgun and shotgun—that is only true if you have practiced and loaded the shotgun with the propershells. ...
Also Read:5 Best Home-Defense Shotguns: Tactical, Pump & Semi-Auto Choosing the Right Combination Can Mean More Success Understanding the theory behind chokes is a factor in hunting success. Choosing the right combination of choke, shotshell, and distance is critical. You can refer to the belo...
This style of semi-auto shotgun, in the past, has also proven difficult to run a wide spectrum of shells through reliably. While most will kick high brass out like it’s late on its bar tab, low brass often doesn’t have enough oomph to cycle. This has changed in recent years with...
(Withdrawn) Two 25 shotshells per box of Remington Nitro Magnum Extended Range Buffered Magnums 12 Gauge 3" 1,210 FPS 1 7/8 oz. 4 shot for tighter game getting patterns up to 15 yards beyond those of regular magnums.#4shot, is one...
We have effectiveness in eliminating life-threatening danger as the sole priority. No one wants to be forced to use a firearm to save lives, but if so forced it must work without fail. There is no substitution for proper training in home defense. It is serious business, one that commands...