location,or butchering your five-point buck, here is all the essential information tohave a successful and fun hunting experience in a compact, portable guidebook.Complete with handy illustrations and photographs, The Pocket Deer HuntingGuide is the essential reference guidebook for any deer hunter...
Trulock offers shotgun choke tubes foranyshooting activity.We make over3,000 different shotgun chokes. Choke TubesForDifferent Shotgun Shooting And Hunting Activities Waterfowl Hunting Turkey Hunting Clay Targets Predator Deer / Hog Hunting Upland Bird / Small Game Hunting ...
The website for hunters, nature lovers. Hunting - hunting rules nature. Shotguns (rifle), gear. Animals. Fishing tips. Video, photos. Shooting at a moving target.
A 2 ¾” 12-gauge shell loaded with 00 Buckshot will hold just nine balls; the same shell can accommodate upwards of four-hundred #7 pellets. Once popular for deer hunting in the United States, buckshot has been almost completely eclipsed by single-projectile loads called slugs. Here’s a...
Guns and Shooting Online authors share detailed information about shotguns, shells, shooting, hunting and the shotgun shooting sports
Some jurisdictions in the U.S. forbid the use of rifles and mandate the use of shotgun slugs for deer hunting, allegedly for "safety" in crowded hunting areas. I am sure that this is what keeps rifled slugs viable as a sporting proposition. (They are also used in police "riot" guns,...
4 Shooting Tips for Hunting How to Go Moose Hunting 3 Tips for Moose Hunting Where to Go to Hunt Deer How to Hunt with Keith McDonald How to Scout in Hunting How to Go Rifle Hunting How to Pick the Best Rifle for Deer Hunting How to Go Bow Hunting How to Handle Your Gun Safely wh...
1 for deer; it should penetrate adequately in flesh, yet Box O’ Truth and other tests indicate that it goes through a little less building materials than 00B, and 950 fps will produce less penetration than the advertised 1250. That load at that low velocity (a full-power shotshell would...
Buckshot contains a multitude of medium diameter pellets, and when fired, the results aredevastating on any target at close-range. It was initially made to take out deer and works well forhome defenseand close range game hunting. Slugs
Some states mandate shotguns for all deer hunting and may even specify only a certain size of shot or the use of a slug. Specialty Shotshell Loads There are a variety of specialized loads for shotguns in various gauges. These specialty loads range from what are considered non-lethal projectile...