8 Steps (and tips) onHow to Shotgun a Beer 1. Grab the right type of beer You have to go for two things when selecting your beer to shotgun. A) Make sure it’s a beer you like. If you hate the taste, you won’t enjoy the shotgunning and if you don’t enjoy it your perf...
喝法|霰弹枪喝法 Shotgunning 上次写了那个易拉罐怎么怎么好的文章之后,大家的兴趣点都在如何玩Shotgun上……那我干脆就给大家来个亲身示范,并且传播一下这种在美国大学里十分流行的给自己灌醉的喝法。 首先要说明的是,我绝对不推荐大家用任何精酿啤酒来这么喝。因为: 浪费酒:那么好的酒几秒就喝没了,可惜 浪费...
vt.shotgunned.shotgunning 英英释义 Shotgunning Shotgunning is a means of consuming a beverage, particularly beer, very quickly by punching a hole in the side of the can or cup. A related technique, strawpedoing or snorkeling, is used for containers not easily punctured such as a glass ...
专辑 Shotgun Beer (Radio Edit) 歌手:Nightseeker 发行时间:2018-04-05 歌曲列表 1 Shotgun Beer (Radio Edit) Nightseeker - Shotgun Beer (Radio Edit)收藏专辑
编辑部小哥亲身示范shotgun beer,尴尬到死他还是坚持喝完了。想要联系方式的自己去文章里看:http://t.cn/Rqrossq http://t.cn/RqrossA .
Shotgun a Beer With Just Your Thumb: Learn how to defy the rules of physics and pierce through metal using only your fingertip. This Instructable shows you how you can shotgun anything in an aluminum can with just your thumb! Shotgunning liquids h
厭世牌-霰彈槍:莓果酸啤酒(罐裝)Abomination Shotgun Sour(Can)使用燕麥,小麥,乳糖釀造,帶有漿果野莓的香氣,中等的酸感,梅粉色的酒色,喝起來很淡雅!
Great beer opener! Pops tops with no issue and makes shotgunning easy! 02/03/2022 Kim Longboy Shot gun keychain Been looking for a tool like this everywhere and thank god for someone on tiktok who advertised this item and provided the website and I didn’t hesitate at all to check it...
在美国所有的派对上,只有2.7秒喝完一罐啤酒的才配被称为shotgun beer。 去派对要随身携带刀具不是为了防身,而是用来开啤酒。 用刀戳开啤酒的底部,用最快的速度拉开拉环,喷涌而出的啤酒让你来不及思考就已经在胃里发酵。这种廉价且真诚的灌酒方式就是shotgun beer ...
平静的暗黑非合法侦探的脑壳开了一个洞,他又躺下了,看来今天他不能起的那么早了.这里可不是梦之城最平和最适合居住的地方,不过对于付不起租金,只能睡在垃圾桶里的暗黑非合法侦探而言,已经是日常了,不就是枪战吗?死不了人的. 于是跳过喧闹的三十分钟后,我们的镜头转到了垃圾桶所在角落对角的酒吧,名字的话,反...