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shot put n. 1.An athletic event in which contestants attempt to put a heavy metal ball as far as possible. 2.The standard ball used in this competition. shot′-put′ter(-po͝ot′ər)n. shot′-put′tingn. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copy...
English professor Annmarie Chiarini had a series of her intimate images uploaded to a pornography Web site, with others put up for auction on eBay by her then-partner who sent the links to her friends and colleagues (Chiarini, 2013). When she applied for medical leave at the advice of ...
The meaning of SHOOT is to eject or impel or cause to be ejected or impelled by a sudden release of tension (as of a bowstring or slingshot or by a flick of a finger). How to use shoot in a sentence.
The meaning of SHOOT is to eject or impel or cause to be ejected or impelled by a sudden release of tension (as of a bowstring or slingshot or by a flick of a finger). How to use shoot in a sentence.
Members will get unfettered access to all of the HD videos that are on the site. You will be able to stream and download as much as you like without worrying about any restrictions. Updates are being put out every day so keep your eyes open for those. When you get your subscription to...
I’ve seen her struggle then put it together and go ten feet farther.” That’s essentially what happened on her fifth throw in Fayetteville, when Davis launched a new indoor PB of 18.61m to take the lead. To her credit, Van Daalen produced her best throw of the day in round six, ...
3 titles Past Film & Video(1 title)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) Hip hop prica iz Hrvatske(2008) Self, Composer Self(2 titles) Can't Be Stopped(2022) Self - Musician, Downset Stani na put(2015) Self
The deconvolution of widefield fluorescence images provides only guesses of spatial frequency information along the optical axis due to the so called missing cone in the optical transfer function. Retaining the single-shot imaging speed of deconvolution microscopy while gaining access to missing cone inf...
approach would be to use CSS for this. You will have to work withskew()(CSS), but this is very, very, very hard to nail. Also, if you just put it on the image you will run into the same problem as you had before with your clipping paths. So this does not ...