shot in iphone梗介绍? shotiniphone是用iphone苹果的创意宣传广告,原本用来表达这段视频是由iphone拍摄的。 shotoniphone翻译成中文意思是“由苹果手机拍摄”,原本是苹果手机的创意广告,网友通过解构出来的元素,进行二次创作,这种行为被称为“迷因化”。
shot in iphone是用iphone苹果的创意宣传广告,原本用来表达这段视频是由iphone拍摄的。 现在常用于一些搞笑视频的片尾,用于产生一种在看苹果广告的既视感。
今年年初的几周时间里,来自全球各地的摄影师在 Shot on iPhone 微距摄影大赛中分享了自己的微距摄影佳作,通过 iPhone 13 Pro 和 iPhone 13 Pro Max 拍摄的照片,让幽微细节展现出惊人美感。今天,Apple 揭晓了 10 位获奖者。他们来自中国、匈牙利、印度、意大利、西班牙、泰国与美国等国家,是 iPhone 摄影师国际...
Immerse yourself in the neon streets of Tokyo manga with a new 'Shot on iPhone' film Apple's latest "Shot on iPhone" film is a live-action and frenetic remake of the manga "Midnight," a Takashi Miike-directed high-action video about a Tokyo taxi driver. ...
iPhone原相机的质感。#摄影 #shotoniphone #inmyfeelings #听说infp人均摄影博主 @阿超· 2024年10月28日阿超 00:00 57 用2.35:1打开澳门。shot on iPhone #澳门 #扫街 #shotoniphone #城市街拍 @Neo.Lee· 2月4日Neo.Lee 00:00 3 iPhone 拍摄花絮。由iPhone15 Pro Max 拍摄 #iphone #iphone原相机 #...
《Art in Nature》(蛛网),由 Prajwal Chougule 拍摄 印度,马哈拉施特拉邦,戈尔哈布尔 《Honeycomb》(雪花),由 Tom Reeves 拍摄 美国,纽约市 《Sea Glass》(海玻璃),由 Guido Cassanelli 拍摄 阿根廷,布宜诺斯艾利斯 此外,也有很多摄影师透过iPhone 13 Pro和iPhone 13 Pro的微距模式,捕捉到了让我们...
Shot on iPhone App quickly Watermarks all your Photos with a trinity of “Shot On” labels in variation of “Shoton (iPhone/ iPad Name)”, “Shot by (Signature text)”, as well as “ShotOn Watermark Brand Logo” It is assembled with the complete catalog of every single Apple iPhone and...
iPhone iPad 描述 • Available on all your devices, on iOS, iPad and macOS • Page Screenshot for Safari is an awesome extension, just a click away, ready to use every time you need to capture a webpage screenshot, either the full page or just part of it. ...
A new video posted to YouTube recently by Brooke Amelia Peterson has provided a detailed glimpse at the iPhone X in Space Gray (removed, but still...
Apple is continuing to highlight its "Shot on iPhone" campaign to promote its latest smartphones, with a holiday edition showcasing high-quality photography taken using the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR.