Made in USA We recommend purchasing the CommRadio CR-1 fromUniversal Radioor directly fromCommRadio. Click here to search eBay for a CommRadio CR-1. Software Defined Radios SDRplay RSP The SDRplay RSP is one of the recent generation of economical wideband SDRs based upon innovative, inexpensiv...
In testing the radio’s reception, I have compared it with the CCRANE SKYWAVE and it’s larger sibling, the XHDATA D-808, with some interesting results. On shortwave bands and FM I have found the three radios to bebasicallycomparable in reception. Now, this deserves a bit of a deeper ...
Here is your comprehensive guide to over 1700 shortwave, amateur and commercial communications receivers (plus 1200 variants) manufactured produced in the last 70 years. With 1800 photos and information including: coverage, circuit type, display, features, performance, new & used values (for most),...
The 14 October 2023 annular solar eclipse was the first one to cross the continental United States since the total eclipse of 17 August 2017. From a DXing standpoint, 2017 was the first eclipse in which there was widespread use of software defined radios (SDRs) to record the entire medium ...
Radios: Afedri AFE822x, Airspy HF+, RX-888, RSPdx, Tecsun PL880 Antennas: 700' Loop Skywire, Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop, 400' Beverage, 34' Vertical, low dipoles on upper bands. blw DXing Phenomena Posts: 3697 Re: UNID 6950 AM 2313 UTC 20 Feb 2021 ...
Several types of software defined radios are supported by Skywave Linux:WebSDR servers are located all over the world and provide easy access to the global airwaves through the web browser. In Skywave Linux, the web browser is packed with a curated set of bookmarks linking to the best ...
Shortwave radios are cheap these days and fairly easy to buy. Kaito and Tecsun are two of the better cheap brands out there. You can get a smallKaito WRX911for around $20 that will fit in a shirt pocket, allow you to listen to the big international broadcasters, and give you battery ...
Sad for the news, the closing of WWV is like close a park, a comunity place where scientifics and enthusiast of radio could learn and experiment not only about time, radio propagation too. I not have much money for bought radiofrecuency equipment for repair or make my own radios, i us...
You can string up a wire just about anywhere and get a good signal on shortwave. Fifty feet of very fine wire, strung along the ceiling on thumbtacks, will give you much more signal than the telescopic whip that comes with portable radios. Telescopic antennas are way too short for shortwav...
up-to-date news,reviews, interviews and everything shortwave. New posts are made regularly, often daily. Here, you can easily find our ownin-depth shortwave radio reviews.These reviewsare comprehensive and typically focus on one model at a time, offering comparisons to other similar radios. ...