Shortness of breath after eating is not typically cause for concern, but if your other symptoms include chest pain, wheezing, or nausea, you may need to speak to your doctor. Some other reasons for shortness of breath include obesity, and diseases like asthma and GERD. There are ways to ...
I was drinking energy drinks on a regular basis and I stopped after my visit with the doctor. The palpitations stopped but the pain did not. I ended up in th ER thinking I was having a heartattack. My symptoms; left arm was, and still is tingling, chest pain, shortness of brea...
The reason I’m refreshing your memory on PVFS is because I want to contrast that with heart disease, more specificallyLVH or Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. The symptoms for this and PVFS look similar, and so it is something you need to consider if you have fatigue and shortness of breath. ...