The shortest covering path (SCP) problem involves finding the shortest path between an origin node and a destination node, where the path traverses the network and passes within a maximal covering distance of al...
Heuristic algorithm for fault detection and path performance monitoring in meshed all-optical networks (1) For a non-Eulerian graph G (V, E), find the set V' of odd-degree nodes; \\ud(2) Start from a node x鈭堚垐鈭圴' and find the shortest path to every other node, select the sm...
“cloud” of vertices, v from a vertex s is the length beginning with s and eventually of a shortest path between s and v covering all the vertices We store with each vertex v a Dijkstra’s algorithm computes label d(v) representing the the distances of all the distance of v from s ...
(resp.,maximum)value thatthecapacitythatarcecantakesothatQ*remainsamaximumcapacitypath.Weshowthat theproblemoffindingallupperandlowertolerancesofarcsinAcanbesolvedinO(min(n 2 ,m logn))time.Moreover,theproblemoffindingalltolerancesnearlyreducestothe"Minimum CostIntervalProblem." Communicatingauthorandcontact...
All routers and System i® nodes that belong to the same OSPF area have the same content in the link-state database. DSPOSPF IPVERSION(*IPV4) OPTION(*STATE) STATE(*LSA) LSA('') Display Link State Advertisements Number of link state advertisements . : 3 Total checksum . . . ...
Quantitative rules covering the first two factors have been derived indicating that the fastest algorithm will be: (1) Dijkstra for networks where d/N nodes < c 1 ; (2) Moore if N nodes < c 2 ; (3) D'Esopo under all other conditions. c 1 and c 2 are parameters 0.02 and 75 ...
For this problem, we propose a polynomial time approximation algorithm based on iteratively constructing shortest path trees and heuristically pruning away the relay nodes used until the hop count bound is violated. Results show that the algorithm performs efficiently in various randomly generated network...
nodes (i 1 , i 2 , . . . , i k ) such that (i q , i q+1 ) is an arc for all q = 1, . . . , k −1. If in addition the nodes i 1 , i 2 , . . . , i k are distinct, the sequence (i 1 , i 2 , . . . , i k ) is called a simple path. A seq...
A demand is counted as covered if the total arc length of a path from the demand to a facility site is within coverage distance and the demand can be satisfied only if all the intermediate demand nodes on the path are satisfied.;Computational results for networks selected from literature show...
,s-1 or as a nodes seriesO=i1→m1i2→m2⋯→ms-1is=Dwhere il∈S,ml∈M and il→mlil+1 denotes a travel or transport from stop il to stop il+1 by taking mode ml , l=1,2,…,s, i.e., a multi-modal path segment between stops i and j with non-transfer. Note that (...