aWhen using an extension tube of same length, the image magnification ratio becomes smaller as the focal length of master lens becomes longer and the larger as the focal length becomes shorter. Also,the distance to the subject becomes further away as the focal length of master lens becomes ...
aOn the other hand, on the basis of the theoretical mode proposed in [15], the cavities for the 1063 and 1342 nm lasing wavelengths were much shorter than the thermal focal length of 45 cm, so both cavities should be stable. 另一方面,根据提出的理论方式(15),洞为1063年和1342毫微米lasing的...
Let us compare the ablation of a metal in two different experiments by two pulses (both shorter than the electron-to-ion energy transfer time) of different durations delivering the same energy per pulse at the same focal spot (the same fluence). The longer pulse interacts in the regime of ...