Shortener::ShortenedUrl.generate("/relative-path?param=whatever") To generate and display a shortened URL in your application use the helper method: short_url("") Pass in subdomain, protocol and other options that the UrlHelper url_for accepts: ...
Everyone of whatever age, outlook, education or station in life knows the essential part of the epic and adores the main figures in it - Rama and Sita. Every child is told the story at bedtime . . . The Ramayana pervades our cultural life.' Although the Sanskrit original was composed by...
when the Marlins fielded a club comprised of reserves who were backed up by other reserves, many of whom had not even been part of the team during either version of spring training?
Shortener::ShortenedUrl.generate("/relative-path?param=whatever") To generate and display a shortened URL in your application use the helper method: short_url("") Pass in subdomain, protocol and other options that the UrlHelper url_for accepts: ...
generate("/relative-path?param=whatever") To generate and display a shortened URL in your application use the helper method: short_url("") Pass in subdomain, protocol and other options that the UrlHelper url_for accepts: short_url("", url_options: ...
generate("/relative-path?param=whatever") To generate and display a shortened URL in your application use the helper method: short_url("") Pass in subdomain, protocol and other options that the UrlHelper url_for accepts: short_url("", url_options: ...