There is now an updated version of Taskbar Control for Windows 10 and 11. This version introduces also two options, to hide/unhide the taskbar using your mouse, when you click on its icon or when you select the relevant option in the right click tray menu. Download and enjoy...
We all know how to hideWindows 7 taskbarby enabling the Auto-hide the taskbar option present in Start menu properties. By hiding the taskbar you will be able to browse with more screen area. But it is a tedious task to open and change the settings again and again. Wouldn’t it be gre...
C/C++ : converting std::string to const char* I get the error : left of '.c_str' must have class/struct/union type is 'char *' C# to C++ dll - how to pass strings as In/Out parameters to unmanaged functions that expect a string (LPSTR) as a function parameter. C++ int ...
Bonus tip: If you want to have the Task Manager running minimized, but you don't want to have it on the taskbar, you can choose to keep it running in the system tray. To do this, start Task Manager, clickOptions,and click onHide when minimizedto turn this feature on. Now you can ...
How to Change the Windows 7 Default Folder Icon How to Hide a Folder or Shortcut Icon in Vista and Windows 7 How to Create a Shortcut of a File, Folder, Drive, or Program in Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 How to Change the Icons of Programs Pinned to the TaskbarZoandar Posts :...
If pinned to the taskbar, be sure to keep the Control Panel All Tasks List icon positioned (dragged) to the right of the default pinned Windows Explorer icon location on the taskbar. If it's to the left of it, then all opened Windows Explorer windows will have their thumbnail previews sh...
2. In Microsoft Windows, a shortcut is a link that points to a computer program. Shortcuts allow you to create links to programs in any folder, Start bar, Taskbar, desktop, or other locations on the computer. A shortcut in Windows has a small arrow in the bottom-left corner of the ...
WinHide, ahk_id %HWND% Else WinShow, ahk_id %HWND% Return Press “Ctrl + S” to save the file. Closethe file. After closing the file,double-clickon the .ahk file you just created. The above actionwill run the file. You will see the AutoHotKey icon on the taskbar while it is ru...
Here are two ways to bypass the Welcome Screen: create a desktop shortcut to the PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe file (found in the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2023 folder) or Pin the taskbar icon when you have the Editor open (right-click on the taskbar ic...
Windows 11 offers only two ways to access Microsoft Copilot: open it from the taskbar or use theWin + Cshortcut key. But what if you prefer a desktop shortcut for Microsoft Copilot instead? A Copilot desktop shortcut is helpful if you hide the AI assistant icon from the taskbar and f...