Ctrl-Home Moves the cursor to the start of the document Ctrl-G Displays the Go to Line dialog. If the debugger is running, the dialog also lets you specify addresses or function names to go to Ctrl-] Moves the cursor to the matching brace in the document. If the cursor is on an ope...
add multiple children custom in custom control Add rows in ListView programmatically... Add to Existing Context Menus in WPF Add/Subtract In WPF Binding Statment Adding a Border around a StackPanel in XAML, the border hides the StackPanel completely Adding a button to title bar Adding a content...
VSCode calls this "select all occurrences of find match", and the gist is that I'd like to be able to select a piece of text (usually a word, a function name, a variable name, etc.) hit the keyboard combo (e.g., Cmd-Ctrl-g) and have all ...
Go to the most derived types of the current type ^1 Go To Bookmark 1 ^4 Go To Bookmark 4 ^7 Go To Bookmark 7 Navigation III ^⌥PAGEUP Navigate to the next item in the current tool window ^⌥PAGEDOWN Navigate to the previous item in the current tool window ...
Em dashes are also known as an m dash, m-rule, long dash, or, in grammatical slang circles, “mutton.”The New York Timeseven called it “the bad boy or cool girl” of punctuation and a freewheeling scofflaw. So there you go!
I created an extension to port Sublime keybindings to VS Code keybindings. I made a list of all the key bindings that were missing analogous commands in VS Code. Here is the list roughly ordered by importance. Please let me know about mo...
Delete current line of codeCtrl+y Get screentip for current functionCtrl+i See alsoHow to create a Microsoft Query in Excel (Excel Query) Excel Key Tricks Microsoft Excel Shortcut Key are very useful in saving you time to switch from your keboard to your mouse. Here are some of my favo...
Project shortcut keys Lists the shortcut key combinations that can be used to add new items to a project, build a project, or open files or projects. Miscellaneous editor shortcut keys Lists the shortcut key combinations available when working in the Component editor, String editor, and Accele...
Next, launch the terminal and create a GIMP desktop file in the/usr/share/applicationspath using nano editor. $ sudo nano /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop Paste the following lines of code and be sure to specify your own 'Exec' and 'Icon' paths. ...
in the setup project, right click on it in solution explorer then go to view > File System next, you will see a Window in the middle of the screen with 2 window panes. be sure to include the output project in the "Application Folder" of this treeview (click on it to select it the...