if i hit cmd-t the window for fonts opens up. If I hit again, it closes. The same for color with F6, and so on. My Question: Is there a shortcut (or can i define one for myself) to close all open UI-windows without using all the different shortcuts for the individual w...
Ctrl + F4 Close the active document (in apps that are full-screen and let you have multiple documents open at the same time). Ctrl + A Select all items in a document or window. Ctrl + D (or Delete) Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin. Ctrl + R (or F5) Re...
Add aSubmacro Macro statementto the macro design window and name the submacro what you want to display on the shortcut menu (for example, "Print" or "Refresh"). Tip:To create an access key so that you can use the keyboard to choose the command, type an...
Add aSubmacro Macro statementto the macro design window and name the submacro what you want to display on the shortcut menu (for example, "Print" or "Refresh"). Tip:To create an access key so that you can use the keyboard to choose the command, type an...
Add aSubmacro Macro statementto the macro design window and name the submacro what you want to display on the shortcut menu (for example, "Print" or "Refresh"). Tip:To create an access key so that you can use the keyboard to choose the command, type an ampersand ...
Add aSubmacro Macro statementto the macro design window and name the submacro what you want to display on the shortcut menu (for example, "Print" or "Refresh"). Tip:To create an access key so that you can use the keyboard to choose the command, type an ampersand ...
mshta vbscript:createobject("shell.application").shellexecute("%~s0","goto :Admin","","runas",1)(window.close)&goto :eof :Admin set current_dir=%~dp0 %~d0 cd %~dp0 python bin/add_shortcut_menu.py --config=add echo "Install successful" ...
To run the script, click the play button at the top of the editing window. Alternatively, you can use the hotkey Command+R. You will be prompted with a checklist of all currently running applications. Uncheck any apps that you'd like to leave open. All other apps left checked will be...
Click OK to close the Custom list window and OK again to close the Excel Option.Step 3:Now type the first two items of the list in two cells. Select both of the cells and drag the fill handle to the cell where the last item of the list should be. As you drag, a tooltip appears...
Keyboard shortcut to close all child windows only for an application?: Does anyone know if there's a built-in keyboard shortcut that allows you to only close (not minimize) the child windows of an application without closing the primary window? In my case, I'd like to close all of the...