As another reference implementation, I use vim (or atom/vscode in vim mode): vim relies onzfor folds since it looks like a folded line. I could imagine something likecmd/ctrl + alt + zas another option, although the ones above sound good to me, too. ...
Align text left when exporting data from datagridview to Excel? Aligning data to be printed using tab Alignment of Windows form text property All Fonts and their Fontstyles to ComboBox in Allocating more memory for program to use Allow manual text entry to DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Al...
Is there a way to create a desktop short cut and determine its icon when installing a clickonce application? I know if I use .framework 3.5 then all I have to do is go under the manifest and click on the box that says create desktop icon but I am using .framework 4.6. Any ...