内容提示: window 资源管理器 快捷键(Window explorer shortcut key) Programs that can shut down a web page or a resource manager. A few shortcuts in the WINDOWS group, the most commonly used and some special keys (1) the following are some commonly used shortcuts for Windows (applicable to...
Shortcut Keys and their Functions: Some commonly used computer short cut keys are documented below. Short-cut Keysand theirDescriptions Alt + F:File menu options in current program. Alt + E:Edit options in current program F1:Universal Help in almost every Windows program. Ctrl + A:Select all...
window资源管理器 快捷键(Window explorer shortcut key).doc,window资源管理器 快捷键(Window explorer shortcut key) Programs that can close a web page or explorer. A few shortcuts in the WINDOWS group, the most commonly used and some special keys (1)
Windows logo key + L Lock your PC. Windows logo key + D Display and hide the desktop. F2 Rename the selected item. F3 Search for a file or folder in File Explorer. F4 Display the address bar list in File Explorer. F5 Refresh the active window. F6 Cycle through screen elements in a...
tab, to open a BACKSPACE folder in the "save as" or "open" dialog box, open the "save" or "to" Refresh "save as F4" or "open" dialog box F5 (five), using the WINDOWS key can use Microsoft natural keyboard or Windows logo key any other compatible keyboard Following shortcut keys...
If you need to use the common keys and shortcut keys while using the computer (For Windows 10), please follow the steps below. 1. Copy, paste, and other general keyboard shortcuts Combination key Meaning Ctrl + X Cut Ctrl + C(or Ctrl + Insert) ...
Shortcut-Keys-For-Windows-10 Work Smart by Microsoft IT Shortcut Keys for Windows 10 Desktop shortcut keys Windows key Open and close the +1, +2, etc. Switch to the desktop and launch the n th application in the taskbar. For example, +1 launches whichever application is first in ...
Keyboard Shortcuts, Shortcuts keys makes work faster, Shortcut Key combos, Combination of Alt & Ctrl Key Windows Short cuts, Windows Shortcut keys
F10: Opens file menu bar in Windows. Replicates a right click on a specific item selected which is useful when you are facing problem with right clicking using your mouse. You might also like: Chrome shortcut keys WINKEY Windows keyboard shortcuts Apart from the common keys stated above ther...
ALT + P – brings up the Page drop down in IE and also in windows explorer toggles the file preview pane Windows Key + E = opens Windows Explorer CTRL + SHIFT + CLICK = lunch an app with full admin rights Updated 23 Feb 2009