PCB * Cycle switch to the next signal layer PCB Delete Delete selected object; Undo the track when routing PCB ALT-- Decrease Snap Size PCB ALT++ Increase Snap Size PCB CTRL+R Depend on reference point for copy object repeatly PCB CTRL+L Open layer manager PCB CTRL+Q Hide/show network ...
Decrease font size one step Alt+H+F+K Display Format Cells with Font tab selected Ctrl+Shift+F Format (almost) anything Ctrl+1 Increase font size one step Alt+H+F+G Indent Alt+H+6 Remove indent Alt+H+5Number Formatting Shortcut Keys Apply currency format Ctrl+Shift+$ Apply date format...
Edit and move cursor to text startShift + Spacebar Edit and move cursor to text endSpacebar Add line breakShift + Enter; Ctrl + Enter BoldCtrl + B ItalicCtrl + I UnderlineCtrl + U Increase font sizeCtrl + Shift + Period Decrease font sizeCtrl + Shift +Comma ...
The default keys for undo/redo (CTRL+Z) and step forward/backward (ALT or SHIFT+CTRL+Z) is very tricky with AZERTY keyboard and it should be NORMAL to be able to change these keys so that they would work everywhere in Photoshop : both with Camera Raw ...
F12:It is used to prompt the save as a window. Ctrl + Shift+ <:It is used to decrease the size of the font by one point. Ctrl + Shift+ >:It is used to increase the size of the font by one point. Ctrl + D:It is used to insert the paint drawing. ...
FunctionShortcut Keys Rotate Brush Clockwise Alt + . Rotate Brush Counterclockwise Alt + [ Increase Brush Size , or [ Decrease Brush Size . or ] Increase Brush Hardness Shift + ] Decrease Brush Hardness Shift + [ Increase Brush Pressure Ctrl + I Decrease Brush Pressure Ctrl + [Modeling...
Alt+Tabswitchesbetweenopenitems Ctrl+Alt+Tabusesthearrowkeytoswitchbetweenopenitems TheCtrl+mousewheelchangestheiconsizeonthedesktop TheWindowslogokey+TabusestheAeroFlip3-Dlooptotoggle theprogramonthetaskbar Ctrl+Windowslogokey+TabthroughAeroFlip3-Dusesarrow keystocircletheprogramonthetaskbar Alt+Escswitche...
[M] Screen[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[S] Overlay[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[O] Soft[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F] Stronglight[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[H] ColorDodge[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[D] Colordeepening[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[B] Darkening[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[K] Brighten [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [G] Difference [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [E] Exclusion of...
Review the information on this page to learn how you can more efficiently use Adobe Captivate Classic using shortcut keys instead of the mouse.
We are starting to gather some feature requests for the ability to zoom or otherwise give more screen real estate to our Positron-specific UI components like the Viewer, Plots, etc. #3746 outlines a request to have behavior like RStudio'...