Tally software is an ideal solution to use in any business. It serves as a good means for record-keeping and accounting. For a company to increase its efficiency in accounting, understanding the use of Tally Prime is integral. Learning tally shortcut keys would be the solution to enhance ...
In TallyPrime, Alt + A is used to add a voucher in a report. Vouchers are used to record various financial transactions such as sales, purchases, payments, and receipts. Alt + A can also be used to alter a column. This feature allows users to modify the structure or properties of a...
the work will go faster and will not be so routine. Of course, you still need to get used to using the keyboard. This is to some extent a blind seal & ndash; fingers with each press get used to the location of the keys, and you no longer need to search, for example, Ctrl + C...
Copy table Structure including primary keys, index etc. Copy tables with all constraints Correct way to run multiple sql scripts from one 'master' script? with logs etc. Could #TempTable within SP cause lock on tempdb? Could not complete cursor operation becaus...