Shift + Ctrl + M:This shortcut key is used to select all the content of the current parenthesis. Shift + Ctrl + UP:It is used to move the line or selection in the up direction. Shift + Ctrl + Down:It is used to move the line or selection in down. Alt + F2:It is used to s...
1尽管我正在使用Sublime Text 3,但这个答案仍然对我有帮助。- WinkyCharlie 2可能是Sublime Text 中将选择内容转换为小写(或大写)的重复问题?- jdhao 2个回答 40 如果您需要转换任何文本,请选择并按下: ctrl + KU -TomasMolina 6Ctrl + K + L 可以将选定文本转换为小写。- Alexey Obukhov ...
Added duplicate line shortcut to Sublime Text shortcuts 👍 1 Add duplicate line shortcut to sublime_text.json Verified 45ff8a0 cla-bot bot commented Jun 28, 2024 We require contributors to sign our Contributor License Agreement, and we don't have @johtso on file. You can sign our...
Example.sublime-keymap文件显示了您可能想要设置的示例。 Example.sublime-keymap文件底部的示例,标记为“显示 XPath 查询输入框”,是显示“输入 xpath”输入面板的键绑定,它使用的键是Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Super+q很难清楚地表明作者打算让用户更改它们。查看示例键绑定的作用,然后将您想要的键复制并粘贴到您的用户键文件...
In general, the Alt key, also known as the Alternate key, is used to access various menu options and perform actions within software applications. When combined with the letter A, it can have different effects based on the specific program or operating system being used. This video cannot be...
{ "key": "shift+win+l", "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet", "when": "editorTextFocus", "args": { "langId": "javascript", "name": "Print to console" } } I hope this help someone. *FIXED in case anyone else needs to make this adjustment. It's SUPER simple. ...
A complete list of hotkey combinations of all programs and operating systems for improved performance.
It responds to key changes in the state of your app. More information here. In the “didFinishLaunchingWithOptions” add the following line: self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds) It will initialise the window with the size of the screen device. ...
-- Text -- 段前插入Ctrl + Shift + Enter段后插入Ctrl + Enter删除单词前部Ctrl + Delete 删除单词后部Ctrl + Backspace删除到行尾Ctrl + K, K删除到行头Ctrl + K, Backspace 前后调转Ctrl + T -- Tag -- 闭合标签Alt + .选择标签(可重复)Ctrl + Shift + A选择区域被标签包含Alt + Shift + ...
Powershell - run as Administrator Python3 Other programs that will be installed when you run ./ Chocolatey Autohotkey Strawberry Perl Note: Sublime Text users should disable screen rotation hotkeys as they will interfere with multi-cursor and possibly other combos. Seehttps://windowsloop....