移动当前行向上:Alt + ↑Move a single line up 移动当前行向下:Alt + ↓Move a single line down 复制当前行并将其插入到上一行:Shift + Alt + ↑Duplicate the current line or selectionabovethe current line 复制当前行并将其插入到下一行:Shift + Alt + ↓Duplicate the current line or selection be...
Search and replace shortcut keys Lists the shortcut key combinations available when using the Find, Replace, Find in Files, and Replace in Files dialog boxes. Visual Database Tools shortcut keys Lists the shortcut key combinations available when using the Query designer or Database designer. Tex...
通常创建一个类,Visual Studio会自动为你引入System、System.Collections.Generic、System.Text,这3个命名空间,但创建完后不一定需要他们全部。而当创建WinForm、WebForm时会引入更多不需要的命名空间,把它们留着太占位置,Visual Studio早就为我们准备了这个功能,在类中右击鼠标,选择:“组织using” > “移除和排序”,...
The following shortcut key combinations can be used while debugging code.Expand table Command Name Shortcut Keys Description Data.StepInto ALT + F5 Steps into debug mode for the currently active database object. Available only in the Database Designer or Query and View Designer. Debug.ApplyCode...
The following shortcut key combinations can be used while debugging code.Expand table Command Name Shortcut Keys Description Data.StepInto ALT + F5 Steps into debug mode for the currently active database object. Available only in the Database Designer or Query and View Designer. Debug.ApplyCode...
Ctrl+Shift+TabThe first keystroke gives focus to theTab Selectionmenu. The next keystroke gives focus to the bottom menu item, and subsequent keystrokes give focus to the menu items in sequence from bottom to top. When a menu item has focus, theEnterkey makes that item the active tab. ...
Provides the shortcut name for the code snippet. C++/CX 复制 public: Platform::String ^ shortcut; Field Value String Remarks COM Signature From textmgr2.idl: cpp# 复制 BSTR shortcut; The shortcut name can be passed to the GetExpansionByShortcut method in the IVsExpansionManager ...
Extension for Visual Studio - Shows how easy you can make the same action using only the keyboard. Displays the keyboard shortcut for any command that you execute to help you learn the shortcuts you need the most.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.WinControls Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.dll C++ public:virtualproperty System::String ^ Shortcut { System::String ^ get(); }; Property Value String Applies to 产品版本 Visual Studio SDK2017...
Using an extension I wrote,Find and Transform, make this keybinding (in yourkeybindings.json): { "key": "alt+r", // whatever keybinding you want "command": "findInCurrentFile", "args": { "find": "(\\*\\*|\\\textbf{|\\*|\\\emph{)(.+?)([*}]+)", "re...