autocad命令快捷键(AutoCADcommandshortcutkey)autocad命令快捷键(AutoCAD command shortcut key)AutoCAD shortcut key Shortcut keys to execute command instructions 3A 3DARRAY 3D array 3DO 3DORBIT 3D Dynamic Observer 3F 3DFACE 3D surface 3P 3DPOLY 3D polyline A ARC arc ADC ADCENTER AutoCAD design ...
autocad命令快捷键(AutoCADcommandshortcutkey) AutoCADshortcutkey Shortcutkeystoexecutecommandinstructions 3A3DARRAY3Darray 3DO3DORBIT3DDynamicObserver 3F3DFACE3Dsurface 3P3DPOLY3Dpolyline AARCarc ADCADCENTERAutoCADdesignandDesignCenter AAAREAarea ALALIGNalignment(for2Dand3D) APAPPLOADloadinganduninstalling...
Stores: Key in (or Press) the following Shortcut Keys in Autocad 2015 to get the functions (outputs) as described below: Shortcut Keys in Autocad 2015 :General Ctrl+d Dynamic ucs on/off Ctrl+...
Extension (EX) full name (extend) Used to extend an object, first select the extended boundary, and then select the extended object Break in point (BR), full name (break) To break an object at one point, select the object with the left key, and then use the left key to point the ...
cad命令、快捷键大集合(CAD command, shortcut key collection)CAD orders, shortcuts big collection,.Txt first laugh because you met, the first cry is because you are not, the first smile, tears, because you can not have. CAD shortcuts list Creating a 3D array 3A Create 3D surface 3F Cre...
IN Cut operation: SL Solid section: SEC Blanking: HI Lock point: OS Orthogonal: F8 Environment settings: OP AutoCAD shortcut key The shortcut key executes command and command instructions 3A 3DARRAY 3D array 3DO 3DORBIT 3D Dynamic Observer 3F 3DFACE 3D surface 3P 3DPOLY 3D polyline A ARC ...
polyline REA--- redraw REN--- rename REC--- rectangle REV--- rotates into three dimensions RO--- rotating object S--- stretch SCL--- zoom SCR--- script file SEC--- cut solid SHA--- coloring SL--- section SN--- specifies the capture pitch SP--- spell check SPL--- spline ...
polyline line POL Custom settings for AutoCAD system parameters PR Show the effect of printing graphics PRE From the model space viewport switch to paper space PS Removes unused named objects in the database, such as blocks or layer PU Exit AutoCAD EXIT Draw rectangular polyline REC Refresh the...
cad默认快捷键(CADdefaultshortcutkey) (a)commonlyusedCTRLshortcutkey [CTRL]+1*PROPERTIES(modifiedfeatures) [CTRL]+2(*ADCENTERDesignCenter) [CTRL]O*OPEN(openfile) [CTRL],M*NEW(newfile+n) [CTRL]+P*PRINT(print) [CTRL]S(*SAVEfile) [CTRL]Z*UNDO(giveup) [CTRL]plusx*CUTCLIP(shear) [...