cdr x14快捷键,命令(CDR x14 shortcut key, command) CorelDRAW X4 commonly used shortcut keys F1: help information F2: shrink F3: zoom in F4: zoom to place all objects in the window F5: hand drawn (Freehand) tool F6: rectangle (Rectangle) tool F7: elliptical (Ellipse) tool F8: the ...
In Mac and Windows, press I for the shortcut key. This enables you to pick a color from a shape, image or gradient by activatingthe eyedropper tool. 13. Show/Hide Artboards The shortcut key in Mac is CMD + Shift + H, and for Windows, it is Ctrl + Shift + H. The max possible...
cr快捷键(CR shortcut key).doc,cr快捷键(CR shortcut key) Main interface Display the navigation window (Navigator window) [N] Open the edit text box [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [T] Undo the last action [Alt] + [Backspase] The vertical distance to align the cent