Ctrl + F4 closes the open window within the current active window in Microsoft Windows. F5 In all modern Internet browsers, pressing F5 will refresh or reload the page or document window. Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word. Starts a slideshow in PowerPoint. F6 Move...
Ctrl + I:In normal view, it is used to create a text in italic form. In the slideshow view, it is used to change the normal cursor to a highlighter tool. Ctrl + M:It is used to insert the new slideshow. Ctrl + N:It is used to create a new blank slide deck in another powerpo...
Alt + FFile menu options in the current program Alt + EEdits options in the current program F1Universal help (for any sort of program) Ctrl + ASelects all text Ctrl + XCuts the selected item Ctrl + DelCut selected item Ctrl + CCopy the selected item ...