让JupyterNotebook如虎添翼 | 👉更多干货 @pythonic生物人 ✅本次分享让Jupyter Notebook更丝滑的实用插件:1⃣️窗口分面:Scratchpad2⃣️Markdown文本高亮:Highlighter3⃣️Cell标记、锁定:Runtools4⃣️代码折叠:Code folding5⃣️example、document快速获取:Snippets menu6⃣️PEP8 代码优化...
"command": "python.execSelectionInTerminal", "when": "editorTextFocus && !findInputFocussed && !jupyter.ownsSelection && !notebookEditorFocused && !replaceInputFocussed && editorLangId == 'python'" }, { "key": "shift+enter", "command": "-python.execSelectionInTerminal", "when": "editor...
galata/test/jupyterlab/notebook-run.test.ts-snapshots/notebook-panel-1-jupyterlab-linux.png Outdated Show resolved krassowski reviewed May 21, 2024 View reviewed changes galata/test/jupyterlab/notebook-edit.test.ts-snapshots/split-cell-jupyterlab-linux.png Outdated Show resolved krass...
JupyterLauncher -添加配置文件 9个月前 Jupyter Notebook.vbs 图标、bat启动、vbs隐藏窗口 4年前 Jupyter Notebook(优化).vbs 已合并原bat和vbs 4年前 Jupyter_Notebook.bat 图标、bat启动、vbs隐藏窗口 4年前 README.md update README.md. 4年前 ...
jupyter-tensorboard : 0.2.0 tensorboard : 2.2.2 tensorboard-plugin-wit : 1.7.0 Thanks in advance for helping. python-3.x jupyter-notebook pytorch tensorboard seq2seq Share Improve this question Follow edited Jul 27, 2020 at 7:44 asked Jul 9, 2020 at 19:57 ...
Jupyter Notebook - Go to raw Unity - Scale Virtual Key Codes - 0x52 Unreal Engine - Scale JupyterLab - Change cell to raw IDA Pro 7.4 - Character Undertale: Debug Mode - When pressed seven times in quick succession, restarts the game Team Explorer and Azure DevOps - Select ...
[转]Jupyter NoteBook 的快捷键使用指南 作者: everfight 出处: http://www.cnblogs.com/everfight/ 欢迎转载 分类: Python学习 标签: python 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 bingo彬哥 粉丝- 17 关注- 74 +加关注 0 0 « 上一篇: [问题解决]NotImplementedError 错误原因:子类没有实现父...
Tab navigation is not prevented when cell is blurred with Esc The failing test is unrelated, tracked in #16722. 1 krassowski marked this pull request as ready for review August 28, 2024 10:58 View details krassowski merged commit 0b12f66 into jupyterlab:main Aug 28, 2024 82 of 83...
'Z' is supposed to undo the last cell change. CTRL+'Z' is doing the same because we don't check for the CTRL key when a cell doesn't have focus. I'm going to change it so you have to hit just 'z' when a cell doesn't have focus And shift+z is redo (like Jupyter Lab has...
Please add a keyboard shortcut to duplicate line in Jupyter distribution. I have to work on multiple remote servers running different Jupiter notebooks and it is inconvenient to set custom setting on each one of them (#1816). @homofortis Could you share how you managed to set the duplicate-...