Reading the above, I don't fancy changing my keyboard just for PS and having to change it afterwards every time, as I often switch between browsing, emails, PS and LR. My question is thus : Make the backslash key for showing/hiding the...
Community Beginner , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/zoom-shortcut-within-select-and-mask-not-working/td-p/12916893 May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022 Copy link to clipboard Copied Hi! I'm having issues with the zoom shortcut (Alt + Mousewheel) within the select and mask worksp...
Horizontal Type Mask tool Vertical Type Mask tool Text on Selection Text on Shape Text on Path T Crop tool Perspective Crop Cookie Cutter tool C Recompose tool W Straighten tool P Eye tool Y Spot Healing Brush tool Healing Brush tool J Clone Stamp tool Pattern Stamp tool S Eraser ...
Viewing FunctionShortcut Zoom in (make larger)+ (plus) Show/hide Tool BarCtrl+Shift+T Zoom out (make smaller)- (minus) Show/hide Status BarCtrl+Shift+B Zoom to original size* (asterisk) Show/hide pixel infoCtrl+Shift+I Zoom lock (for next image)Ctrl+/ ...
keyboard shortcut for? This shortcut is used by24programs in our database. There isn't any generic description for this shortcut. Popular programs using this shortcut What this shortcut does in different programs? REAPER-Add stretch marker ...
11. SHORTCUT KEYS FOR VIEWING IMAGES ctrl + tab Cycles through open documents shift – ctrl – w Close a file in Photoshop and open Bridge q Toggle between Standard mode and quick Mask mode f Toggle (forward) between Standard screen mode, Maximized screen mode, Full screen mode, and Full...
that you have the move tool (v) selected - I still use the regular cmd and right click with the magic mouse, both options have always worked great for me - as long as you have the move tool selected - also works great for digging into the layers of a mask made of multiple...
[X] Standardswitchmodeandquickmaskmode[Q] Standardscreenmode,fullscreenmodewithfullmenubar,fullscreenmode[F] Temporaryuseofmobiletools[Ctrl] Temporaryuseofsuctiontools[Alt] Temporaryuseofgrippertools[spaces] Openthetooloptionspanel[Enter] Quickinputtooloptions(atleastoneadjustablenumberinthecurrentToolspalette...
Give up 3D distortion andreturn to Photoshop main interface (in "3D change" filter) [Esc] 8. View operation Select the color channel[Ctrl] + [] Select the monochromechannel [Ctrl] + [number] Select quick mask + [\] Always display compositechannels in Windows. Preview in CMYK mode[control...
In Photoshop I can press CMD/ALT + Backspace to fill the current mask selection (or whole layer) with either the background/foreground colour. Currently I haven't been able to find the same in Affinity Designer! Anyone know how I can do this? AbaBuiplelip 1 Quote Fixx Members 3....