This is perfect for quickly changing specific data entries across your workbook. Ctrl + A: Selects all cells in your current worksheet. It is a quick way to apply changes or formatting to the entire sheet. Ctrl + Arrow Key: This moves your cursor to the last cell of data in the ...
Microsoft Office: Excel shortcut and function keys Shortcuts for the Visual Basic Editor Shortcut keyActionMenu equivalent comments F1HelpHelp F2View Object BrowserView, Object Browser F3Find Next F4Properies WindowView, Properties Window F5Run Sub/Form or Run MacroRun, Run Macro ...
Inset 4.0 Macro sheet F1 Help F4 Repeat last action ⇧F10 Display shortcut menu Navigation ^END Move to last used cell in a worksheet ^G Goto ^HOME Move to the first non-header cell of the sheet F6 Next Pane ⇧↵ Go to previous cell ⇧F6 Previous Pane HOME Move...
Sub Delete_Sheet() Dim s As Sheet Application.DisplayAlerts = False For Each s In Sheets If s.Name <> ActiveSheet.Name Then s.Delete End If Next s Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub The VBA code deletes all the sheets except the active sheet. Read More: How to Delete All Sheet...
t know Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V shortcuts in Excel, which allows us to copy and paste the values in different cells, different sheets, etc. Since it is a day-to-day task, we have many other options for pasting content in Excel from one cell/sheet to another; for that sake, we ...
Alt + Shift + F10“Alt + Shift + F10” keys will display the menu for Smart Tag; if there are many Smart Tags in the excel workbook then it will toggles to next Smart Tag & display its menu. Ctrl + Shift + F10“Ctrl + Shift + F10” keys is similar to “Shift + F10” keys....
To insert a whole row in Excel 2016 on Windows useCTRL+SHIFT ++on keyboard. If you have selected a cell in a table or a whole row in excel sheet, this shortcut to insert a row will immediately insert a row in table or excel sheet. Else excel will show an insert row/column options...
That's how to insert the current date and time in Excel with shortcuts and formulas. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week! Practice workbook for download Insert time in Excel - examples(.xlsx file)
DescriptionFindtextReplacetextdialogCreateachartautomaticallyonnewsheetEditacellcommentShortcutKeyCtrl+FCtrl+HF11 Shift+F2ShortcutKeyCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+PageDownCtrl+PageUpCtrl+GShift+BackspaceInsert+C MainJawsKeystrokesInExcel DescriptionSayVersionofExcelMovetoNextSheetMovetoPriorSheetGotoacellcommandCollapseSelection...
This technique is useful if you may have a need to select the same columns multiple times in the same sheet. You can use this technique to select rows as well as different ranges. For example, if you want to select two separate ranges in Excel, just follow the same steps (instead of ...