Eclipse is a lifeline tool for us. Any resource in theworkspaceis literally seconds away. Ditto to classes (andinterfaces, and members, and so on). Why waste time and brain cycles to wade through countless lines in countless files? I thought that everyEclipseuser knows this, in fact, if ...
Ctrl+shift+/ comment/uncomment lines and blocks(/**/) Ctr+/ comment/uncoment current line or blocks(//) Ctrl+D in the editor duplicates the selected block or the current line when no block is selected. Ctrl+E (View | Recent Files) recently visited files. itar..+Tab Live Templates Ctr...
eclipse的快捷键以及文档注解,多行注解的快捷键一、多行注释快捷键1.选中你要加注释的区域,用ctrl+shift+C 或者ctrl+/ 会加上//注释 2.先把你要注释的东西选中,用shit+ctrl+/ 会加上/* */注释3.以上快捷在重复按一下就会去掉加上的注释 4.要修改在eclispe中的命令的快捷键方式我们只需进入windows -> ...