Switch to a specific tab shortcut (works for the first 8 tabs):⌘+1...⌘+8Switch to the last tab shortcut:⌘+9Return to topKeyboard shortcut to switch tabs on a Windows PCChrome’s switch tabs Windows shortcuts are very similar to the Mac versions. The hotkey combos below ...
Duplicate Tab Shortcut is a freeProductivityExtension for Chrome. You could download thelatest version crx fileorold version crx filesand install it. There is an option to open new tabs in the background, enabling that option requires more permissions. ...
The shortcuts "ctrl + tab" and "ctrl + shift + tab" to switch tabs (open documents) don't work in Illustrator. They work in Adobe Photoshop (and any browser or app with tabs), but not in Illustrator for some reason...
App Shortcut to Switch Tabs Adobe Photoshop Ctrl + Tab Adobe Illustrator Cmd + ~ Chrome Ctrl + Tab Safari Ctrl + Tab Finder Ctrl + Tab The purpose of this post is to request a UX improvement: changing the weird, nonstandard sh...
In Chrome, Firefox and other browsers, Ctrl+Shift+Page Down moves the selected tab to the left along the tab bar, and Ctrl+Shift+Page Up moves the selected tab to the right. This is apparently missing from Opera (114.0.5282.154 under Linux), and the functionality also doesn't appear in...
1、Google Chrome browser keyboard shortcutAll other shortcutsNote: If youre using a Windows or Mac keyboard, use the Windows key or Command key in place of the Search key.Tabs and windowsOpen a new windowCtrl + nOpen a new window in incognito modeCtrl + Shift + nOpen 2、a new tab...
There is no built-in keyboard shortcut to duplicate tabs in Chrome or Edge, which is why I wrote this extension to improve productivity. 1. Installation Please go the Chrome Web Store to install it:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-duplicator/lfmcdmbfaplkbjkefabcfbkfelmhhboa ...
Windows currently does not have a shortcut for switching between windows of the same program/app. On Mac it is CMD + `. I think it should be supported on Windows out of the box, but maybe adding it in PowerToys would be faster? Right now...
Shortcut Manager is a freeProductivityExtension for Chrome. You could download thelatest version crx fileand install it. You can change the browser default shortcut keys, and assign any bookmarklets or Javascript action to your hotkeys. Example actions: - Tabs: "Left Tab", "Upper directory",...
Save Chrome Tabs in a Markdown File and Take Notes with Script Kit 2m Scrape a Website on a Schedule with Script Kit 3m Build a Multi-Tab Todos App in Script Kit 4m What is Script Kit? How often do you avoid scripting something because it takes too much effort?