所有字母键和数字键 - abc...xyz,01..89特殊字符,标准键盘上的每个特殊字符都可以访问。特殊键TabSpaceReturnEnterBackspaceScroll_lockCaps_lockNum_lockPauseInsertHomeDeleteEndPage_upPage_downLeftUpRightDownF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12 这些键不区分大小写,所以不要担心使用正确的大小写,这个库处于测试版,...
A cross-platform cloud synchronization (Github/Gitee) development efficiency tool that integrates input enhancement and code snippet management specifically for developers. 专为开发者开发的一个集输入增强、代码片段管理为一体跨平台云同步(Github/Gitee)的开发效率工具。 electron markdown alfred snippets markdown...
When I had a different OS, I used to be able to use any shortcut I wanted to, but I can't seem to do that with this OS for some reason. I just hate using the Caps Lock to switch between languages and would like to use command+space instead (or anything other than the caps lo...
On MacOS and Windows11, I can remap Caps Lock (rarely used) to any other keyboard shortcuts, like map it to sequental two keys "Meta + Space". And I will use "Meta + Space" to switch IME. Can this be done in Cosmic rust-based desktop environment? 1 Replies: 0 comments Sign ...
But keyboard Caps Lock is definetly off. I never use the "next image" functionallity. To use the old B action, I have to switch Caps lock on, which is not my goal. Rebooting and a reinstall of LR with keeping the settings didn't...
It looks like the only way to switch between languages is to use the Caps Lock. When I had a different OS, I used to be able to use any shortcut I wanted to, but I can't seem to do that with this OS for some reason. I just hate using the Caps Lock to switch between ...
For those shortcut key lovers out there, here is a long list of keyboard shortcuts for Ubuntu. Most of them should work in most Gnome-based distros. Enjoy the list. Also read: How to Assign/Remap Keyboard Shortcuts for Better Productivity in Linux General Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl + A ...
o Caps_lock o Num_lock o Pause o Insert o Home o Delete o End o Page_up o Page_down o Left o Up o Right o Down o F1 o F2 o F3 o F4 o F5 o F6 o F7 o F8 o F9 o F10 o F11 o F12 所有这些按键都是不区分大小写的,可以放心填写。 除shortcuts外,还有其他一些类似的库: jq...
New Here , /t5/after-effects-discussions/page-up-and-page-down-shortcut-isn-t-working/td-p/10418238 Apr 06, 2019 Apr 06, 2019 Copy link to clipboard Copied im using windows on adobe after effect, using a keyboard shortcut; page up and down isn't working for m...