If we can make each professional regulation, standardization, not only for the 59、professional, professional cohesion, data submissions, we can improve a lot of efficiency.Lets see what commands are in the CAD first We can divide them into several categories. One is the drawing class, the ...
Create or modify keyboard shortcuts for commands. Display the Customize (CUI) Editor Click Tools menu > Customize > Interface (CUI). Select the Shortcuts tab. Create a Shortcut key Click to add a shortcut key. The visor displays. ...
Change or edit shortcut keys is one oftipsto help you todrawfaster. My advice that you shouldmodifythese commands that has less letter shortcut command. For example, I would like to change the shortcut key for theCOPY commandto “C” instead of “CO” and CIRCLE to “CR” instead...
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Continue adding commands until the new shortcut menu is complete. Click Apply. To create a command shortcut menu In order to insert menu options related to the active command on a shortcut menu, make sure to use the alias COMMAND_commandname. The text ofcommandnamecan be any valid command....
SCR SCRIPT / Executes a sequence of commands from a script file. SEC SECTION / Uses the intersection of a plane and solids, surfaces, or mesh to create a region. SET SETVAR / Lists or changes the values of system variables. SHA SHADEMODE / Starts the VSCURRENT command. ...
Cad2008shortcutkey(cad2008快捷键) Attachthemostcommonlyusedshortcutcommands Aslongascookedwiththese,drawingspeedwillhavethesame feelingflying L:straightline C:round I:insertblock X:blowup M:Mobile O:offset E:delete S:stretch T:textentry A:Arc B:definitionblock F:fillet H:fill XL:ray D:callout...
Curiously, I find that Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn don't "wrap" around the end and take you to the other end of the series, but these do [again, omitting Model space, once they're into Layouts], as do BeeKeeCZ's commands. Kent Cooper, AIA Reply Report 1 Anonymous in reply to Вeekee...
cad2011快捷键(Cad2011shortcutkey) AUTOCADshortcutscommoncommands (I)alphabet 1,objectcharacteristics ST,*STYLE(textstyle) COL,*COLOR(settingcolors) LA,*LAYER(layer***) LT,*LINETYPE(linear) LTS,*LTSCALE(linearratio) LW,*LWEIGHT(XianKuan) IMP,*IMPORT(inputfile) PU,*PURGE(clear***) R,*REDRAW...
Load AutoLISP, ADS, and ARX applications AP Creating arc A Calculate the area and perimeter of the object or defined area AA Creates a multiple object copy AR arranged in a specified manner The management function of executing the external database command AAD Output link information for selected...