However, most of the observed cellular, tissue or organism changes are in very close proximity to the anesthetic administration, making the link to long-term neurocognitive function challenging to elucidate, and not allowing for the description of techniques or therapies that might mitigate the ...
By contrast, we found that short-term CaMKII inhibition with the neuroprotective peptide tatCN19o (18, 19) transiently interfered with learning, but did not reverse pre-formed memories, even at ≥500-fold of a neuroprotective dose determined previously in mice and here in pig. Thus, short-...
Ketamine-α-2 agonist combinations have been extensively used in owls before halogenate inhalants became widely available and their use is not currently recommended.52 Tiletamine-zolazepam has also been used successfully in two species of owls.53 Constant rate infusions of propofol were investigated ...
Here we describe acute and long-term changes in mechanical nociceptive thresholds induced by a surgical model of tail amputation in pigs, mimicking the injurious tail biting which can occur in both recently weaned and in older growing pigs. We evaluate the influence of (1) age at the time of...
OBJECTIVES: The cost of remifentanil, a short-acting opiate, is approximately 10 times higher than fentanyl, a longer-acting opiate. Short-acting opiates, however, have the potential to reduce time to extubation (TTE) and may, therefore, decrease length of stay (LOS) and hospital costs. Remif...
As spaceflight becomes more common with commercial crews, blood-based measures of crew health can guide both astronaut biomedicine and countermeasures. By profiling plasma proteins, metabolites, and extracellular vesicles/particles (EVPs) from the SpaceX
Physicians should weigh the risks of potentially fatal outcomes against the therapeutic benefits, when making decisions about drug prescriptions. Growing concerns about its safety and the need for more accurate predictive models for drug-induced fatal outcomes justify further research in these fields. ...