英文全称short-term insurance policy 中文解释短期保险单 缩写分类经济管理 缩写简介 关注911查询 新华字典 汉语词典 成语大全 诗词大全 英文缩写 英语单词 在线翻译 英文名 科技名词 五笔字根表 笔画数 偏旁部首 汉字拼音 区位码 郑码查询 仓颉编码 四角号码 ...
英文全称short-term insurance policy 中文解释短期保险单 STIP意思,STIP的意思,STIP是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于STIP的解释和缩写,短期保险单的英文缩写是什么 热门英文缩写词 SFAS(美国财务会计准则(公告)) ASC(英国会计准则委员会)
STIP 英文全称short-term insurance policy 中文解释短期保险单 缩写分类经济管理, VER自愿出口限制 Ves.船舶 via.经由,通过 vid(拉丁)参看,请看 vis(拉丁)不可抗力 viz.(拉丁)即,也就是 V-mail声像电子邮讯系统 vol.量,额,本,卷,容积 voy.航海,航程...
4) short-term risks 短期风险 例句>> 5) STIP short-term insurance policy 短期保险单6) Insurance products of short terms 短期保险商品补充资料:怎样理解基本险和附加险? 财产保险的险别分为基本险和附加险。所谓基本险是指可以单独投保和承保的险别。所谓附加险是指不能单独投保和承保的险别,投保人...
short-term insurance 英 [ʃɔːt tɜːm ɪnˈʃʊərəns] 美 [ʃɔːrt tɜːrm ɪnˈʃʊrəns]网络 短期保险 ...
网络释义 1. 短期险 Standard Term Contract_翻译 ... 长期耕作: Long-term culture短期险:short-term policy特征选择: Term Selection ... www.lw23.com|基于2个网页 2. 短期的保险 ...e)﹐另一份工作尚未开始﹐此时你可以考虑﹐购买一种短期的保险(short-term policy)﹐这种保险是专门为一些人正处在两...
1) short-term insurance 短期保险 2) STIP short-term insurance policy 短期保险单 3) Insurance products of short terms 短期保险商品 4) short-period insurance contract 短期保险合同 1. The pricing question affected by investment gains is discussed forshort-period insurance contracts. ...
termn.[C] 1.专门名词,名称,术语 2.(一般的)词,名称,词语 3.期,期限 4.任期 5.(工资、房租等的)付款日;结账日 6.学期;【口】赛季 7.(terms)(契约、谈判等 insurancen. 1.[U, sing] [~ (against sth)]保险(契约) 2.[U]保险业 3.[U]保险费 4.[C,U][~ (against sth)]保险措施,(预防...
This is to ensure that employers have taken out insurance to cover their liabilities as required by the Ordinance. It also safeguards the interests of both the employers and employees. A: According to the agreement with the designated insurance company, the short-term insurance policy is exclusive...
"A short-term insurance policy can activate and cover costs during that interim," Cleary says. The bottom line Both short- and long-term care insurance policies can be viable options to consider depending on your unique circumstances, needs and other factors. As with any financial p...