Erwin, Sandra ISandra I. Erwin, "Army Seeks Short-Term Payoff from Future Combat Systems," National Defense, December 2003. See also Megan Scully, "Balancing Act: Will U.S. Army's Future Combat Systems Take On a New Shape?" Defense News, 12 April 2004, p. 12....
Besides, these areshort-term goals – not long-term ones. You’ll be able to get them done pretty quickly and move on to other tasks in short order. Of your short-term financial goals, it might be worthwhile to work on the quickest short-term goals first – the ones that take the l...
WASHINGTON —After several difficult years, the Army and Air Force say they are on track to meet their recruiting goals this year, reversing previous shortfalls, using a swath of new programs and policy changes. But the Navy, while improving, expects once...
triumph, victory - a successful ending of a struggle or contest; "a narrow victory"; "the general always gets credit for his army's victory"; "clinched a victory"; "convincing victory"; "the agreement was a triumph for common sense" ...
The narrator is an employee, a long term one, but an employee just the same. He watches as the families struggle to recover and relive the past. Naturally, one can’t and the decisions that led to the wrong people marring are unrevokable. Instead, repeat themselves as farce, as ...
Other significant articles include the “Evolution of the SF Name” which unearthed far more old examples of the term than I’ve previously known about. In the “Gernsback Bankruptcy” Emerson explains how Hugo Gernsback lost control of Amazing Stories and immediated create Science Wonder Stories....
Of course there are numerous scientists and organisations who’ve been sounding the alarm for many years. And we’ve learned that the Oil and Gas industryknew about the likely consequences of their activitiesdecades ago. Would a small group of wealthy individuals really prioritise short-term profit...
CampNaNoWriMo is more flexible, allowing you to work on a project of your choosing, setting your own goals. I’ve signed up and plan to compile my advice for beginning writers. At the same time, I’ll be posting the most relevant tips in myAvid Authors Facebook group.Join me there ...
” But, in very truth, never will the wise man resort to so lowly a term, never will he be half a prisoner—he who always possesses an undiminished and stable liberty, being free and his own master and towering over all others. For what can possibly be above him who is above Fortune...
Winston Churchill's term for the Cold War division between the Soviet-dominated East and the U.S.-dominated West Europe. Berlin Wall A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany (Soviets) in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the...