induced short term capital movement 诱发性短期资本移动系国际短期资本的移动,随着国际收支的其它各项目所发生的变化,或受国际收支的整个情况的影响,而被动发生者。 official short term capital movement 【经】 官方短期资本流动 short term claim 【经】 短期债权 private short term capital movement 私人短期资...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: short-term capital gains short-term capital gains分享到: 【经】 短期资本利得分类: 通用词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗?
short-term capital gains 英文short-term capital gains 中文【经】 短期资本利得
网络短期资本所得;短期资本利得 网络释义
Capital gains come in two variations: short-term and long-term. Short-term capital gains are imposed on assets held for one year or less. Conversely,long-term capital gainsare taxed at acapital gains rate, which is often lower than a person’s marginal tax rate. Long-term gains are the...
1) Short-term Capital Gains 短期资本利得2) capital gain 资本利得 1. In order to disclose the long-term ROI of Chinese A-Share stock markets, SSE 180 Index is selected as the representative of Chinese A-Share stock markets and its dividend yield, return on right offering, capital gain ...
Short-term capital gains, defined as those realized within one year of the taxpayer’s acquisition of the asset, are taxed as ordinary income, while long-term capital gains, defined as those realized at least one year after acquisition of the asset, are taxed at rates that are generally ...
Selling a capital asset after owning it for more than one year results in a long-term capital gain. Capital assets include stocks, bonds, precious metals, jewelry, art, and real estate.1 Short-term capital gains are taxed as ordinary income; long-term capital gains are subject to a tax ...
If You Want A Strong Economy Cut The Short Term Capital Gains RateNicholas Santiago
How is short-term capital gain defined? Theholding periodis determined by subtracting the date you bought your investment from the date you sold your investment. Theshort-termholding period is defined asone year or less. Short-term capital gains are taxed atordinary income tax rates. ...