Short-term memoryForgettingAlthough interference is a well-established forgetting function in short-term auditory memory, an adequate understanding of its underlying mechanisms and time course has yet to be attained. The present study therefore aimed to explore these issues in memory for timbre. ...
It has been hypothesized by Mackworth that subjects might use a short-lasting auditory memory after-image for recall purposes, this image probably persisting for longer than the visual memory after-image. It might then be that fast presentation-rates of auditory material facilitate recall because ...
The study was designed to assess the contribution of short-term memory for each of five types of auditory input to differences in standardized listening scores. Memory for syntactically arranged words proved to be the best predictor of listening skill in this battery of tests. The significance of...
This paper reports three experiments that examined the role of auditory short-term memory in the discrimination of brief 50-msec vowels and longer 300-msec vowels. Although vowels may be perceived in a categorical-like mode, differences still exist in perception between stop consonants and steady ...
Auditory short-term memory for pitch loses precision over time. The impact of retention interval duration on the fidelity of pitch memory was investigated. Listeners heard "target" pure tones, followed by a retention interval (2-8 s), then a response period in which the frequency of a novel...
Infant auditory short-term memory for non-linguistic sounds Shannon Ross-Sheehya,⇑, Rochelle S. Newmanb aDepartment of Psychology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 37614, USA bDepartment of Hearing and Speech Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA a r...
Using a short-term recognition memory task we evaluated the carry-over across trials of two types of auditory information: the characteristics of individual study sounds (item information), and the relationships between the study sounds (study set homogeneity). On each trial, subjects heard two suc...
Short-term memory (STM) allows you to retain some information for a short period of time and usually works best with auditory stimuli. Explore several aspects of STM, including why it seems to be an auditory-based system, how much information can store, and what is the serial position curve...
Phonemic model of short-term auditory memory. 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 30 作者: G Sperling 摘要: A model for visual recall tasks was presented in terms of visual information storage (VIS), scanning, rehearsal, and auditory information storage (AIS). It was shown first that ...
Echoic Memory auditory information = echo auditory information automatically registered in echoic memory Duration = echo lasts 2 s Darwin, Turvey, Crowder (1972) 'three eared man' procedure (adaptation of Sperling's procedure)J 4 T 3 M Z A 5 2 (simultaneous presentation)| | |left middle righ...