Key Housing is a best-in-class service to find corporate housing, short term rentals, and serviced apartments throughout California. From Los Angeles to San Francisco, San Diego to Sacramento and every where in between, people turn to us to find hard-to-
This paper examines spatiotemporal patterns and socioeconomic influences on host participation in Airbnb’s short-term rental (STR) marketplace in San Francisco during the years 2019–2022, a four-year period that spans the COVID-19 pandemic. This provides the motivation for the study to examine...
Woodland Trio Apartments 632所有房型 筛选房源类型 全部(1) 2室(1) 2室 “2室”指2 Bedrooms,类似于国内的两室房源。常见房型为2B2B = 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms,即两室两卫。 设施服务 基本设施 电梯 停车位 阳台 公共设施 烧烤区 健身房 房源ID:88841832 ...
Riva, 1420 5th St, Santa Monica, Los Angeles 2024/12/24起租 2室 有健身房有车位房间内有空调洗碗机房间内有电视房间内有冰箱 $4590起/月 社会房源[短租房]Lincoln Place Apartments 436 Lincoln Place Apartments - 1723 Penmar Ave, Venice Beach, Los Angeles 2024/12/02起租 1室 有健身房有车位烧烤...
学生公寓[短租房]Santa Monica Breeze by Wiseman 1539 Purdue Ave. Los Angeles , CA 90025 5房型 灵活起租有车位有户型图 $3495起/月 学生公寓[短租房]Midvale Apartments 527 Midvale Avenue, 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州 90024 17房型 灵活起租包裹寄存有健身房有游泳池有车位娱乐区 $1423起/月 学生公寓[短租...