Here's where you can read inspirational quotes, poems and stories that have been picked to move and stir hearts. Staying motivatedis not easy. It takescourageto be positive when it's probably much easier to just give in to fear and negativity. It takesregular and repeatedexposures to encoura...
Our website is the best place for Inspirational Stories, Short Stories, Quotes, Poems, Proverbs and Love Quotes, Motivational and Inspirational Affirmations.
Our website is the best place for Inspirational Stories, Short Stories, Quotes, Poems, Proverbs and Love Quotes, Motivational and Inspirational Affirmations.
My thanksgiving prayer is that my teacher knows how many students, old and new, are offering their gratitude to her at dinner tables near and far this holiday season. Education is the key to greater opportunities and your teacher holds the key. Romantic Thanksgiving Quotes Thanksgiving might n...
Graduation quotes that are inspirational 111. “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.”– Robert H. Schuller 112. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”— George Addair 113. “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”– Alber...
I’m convinced that such short inspirational sayings can help us in certain situations. When my legs are getting heavier after a long run I count on them. And when I feel stressed or a certain task scares me, I use a mantra I learned from a yoga teacher, some years ago: ...
The labors that were not in vainGave stimuli, fruitful and rife.As student, as teacher, as man.The seasons so quickly have flown;The cycles of time swiftly ranAnd taken dear friends I have known.And soon will I turn to the west,West, where the sun sinks from view.To welcome the ...
There Are No Friends Or Enemies In Life, There Are Only Teachers…. Everyone You Encounter Teacher You A Lesson Good Or Bad. ~~~ Unknown If A Man Does Not Make New Acquaintances As He Advances Through Life, He Will Soon Find Himself Left Alone. A Man, Should Keep His Friendship In Co...
At Marcia Blaine School for Girls, Edinburgh, unorthodox teacher Miss Jean Brodie chooses six students she believes to be special. Over time, the girls begin to realize that Miss Jean Brodie may well be in her prime, but she may not be everything they believed her to be. ...
One of theseChristmas quotesmight add just the right message for your card. “Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.”— G.K. Chesterton "Christmas is the day that holds all time together." — Alexander...