The Humpty Dumpty short story is based on "The Mere Inadequacy of Human Intelligence". This short story serves as a good reminder to be careful with our actions or actions that may have consequences for ourselves or others. The Humpty Dumpty short story also speaks about the unreliability of ...
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Alphabet Coloring Page - Letter I In this tundra scene, your students can seek the ice cream cone, the igloo, the icicles, and an iron. Kindergarten Letter Stampers (Short I) Print this worksheet out as a fun activity for students to use letter stampers in the...
1st Grade Brainstorm Short O Words This printable worksheet has eight sets of primary-ruled lines for students to try to think up and write as many words with a short o vowel sound as they can. 1st and 2nd Grades Word Web (Short O Words) Students can use this web-shaped graphic organi...
Worksheet Print Worksheet 1. In the short story ''Hop Frog,'' why was the main character called ''Hop Frog''? because of the way he moved because he collected frogs because he was a dwarf because he was hideous 2. In the short story ''Hop Frog,'' who was Trippetta? Hop...
Copying permitted for personal study, or by teachers for use with their students The Box - part 1. Student worksheet PrepositionsInteractive exercise - fill in on screen or on paper. Replace the missing prepositions and adverbs in this extract from the story. You will need to use:...
Copying permitted for personal study, or by teachers for use with their students The Wimp - part 1. Student worksheet Comprehension. Interactive exercise.After reading the story, complete the following sentences in your own words. Add all the words you need; the box will expand to take your ...
The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating a fantasy short story, and here are some fantasy writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing! Twenty Fantasy Story Ideas A dragon drops in for the opening day celebration of a new local health food store (let's call it Hale ...
Student Worksheet Adaptation: Adapting a short story into a podcastSatisfactoryinsightfullysome insight
First Grade Interactive Worksheet Long A Sound Interactive Worksheet Long A Sound In this worksheet, children will complete each sentence using a word with a long A sound. Second Grade Interactive Worksheet Short and Long Vowel Review Interactive Worksheet Short and Long Vowel Review By ...
Short a worksheet Though we may think interrogative is too big a word for young children, you will be amazed at what they can remember. This book has a couple of interrogative sentences in it. Before reading, I highly recommend pointing out the question mark to your sweet little one. Discu...