Writing short stories is an invaluable way to grow your writing craft. Learn how to write a short story with this article.
But the fact is I’ve sold one story that I finished without plotting it beforehand. One. Out of dozens I’ve started. That one took me about a week to write and it was torture for me, for my characters, and, I'm sure, for the backspace on my keyboard. Everything about the sto...
although the giant rabbits were a bit sinister. The longest story, the title one, was deeply intriguing. It certainly spoke to me about mental illness and the desire sometimes to just disconnect from life around
Discover an endless feed of Short Story writing prompts, sent to your inbox weekly. Ready to be inspired?
They give you space to explore ideas or get up close to characters in a short amount of time and let readers get stuck into another world without committing to a longer read. Ready to find out how to write a short story? Delve into some top short story writing tips and be ready when...
If you’re ready to fire up your imagination, writing a short story or novel is one of the best ways to let your creativity run wild! To make your own story, all you’ll need is something to write with and a bit of inspiration. We’ll walk you through the best ways to beat write...
So is the Tango he teaches her, until she's ready and had enough of fiction and the push and shove of dance, to find herself exposed before all and doing the "Horizontal Mambo" upright. Free_998 wds Complete original story Growing into a novella / novel ...
Why we love it: It’s a longer short story that is rich with stylistic and narrative elements and can serve as a novella. So, save time to teach this short story over a few weeks. 3. Hearts and Hands by O. Henry “Among the newcomers were two young men, one of handsome presence ...
Why we love it: Students may already know Roald Dahl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and other whimsical novels. But, this short story will challenge their opinion of Dahl. Encourage students to analyze the dramatic irony and discuss: Who is the innocent lamb in this story?