Discover an endless feed of Short Story writing prompts, sent to your inbox weekly. Ready to be inspired?
Romance Story Prompts Sci-fi Story Ideas Fantasy Story Ideas Horror Story Prompts Why Creative Writing Prompts Are Helpful Below, you'll find our best creative writing prompts and plot ideas for every genre, but first, why do we use prompts? Is it just a waste of time, or can they actual...
Hundreds of short story ideas and free fiction writing prompts that you can use for own creative writing. Bye-bye Writer’s Block! And check out our free writing courses on how to write a story.
#shortstory# 一个畸形儿,被装在罐子里过活的畸形儿。一开始医院的诊断是无法行走,在罐子里住久了以后身躯和腿贴在了一起,只有两条细得过分的胳膊可以从罐口和脖子的缝隙间伸出来。ta的母亲也是个皱皱巴巴、干瘪的人,在一间转身走两步就能碰壁的房子里,像被困在玻璃杯罩子下的蚂蚁一样,忙得团团转。ta小心...
#ShortStory# 她惊醒了。凌晨五点,还不到去学校的时候,她想起梦里的内容,从书里摸出一把刀片,在台灯的光线下,找到手臂上一块还有部分留白的皮肤,缓缓抹开。不一样的是,这次她被自己的血烫伤了。血液要逃离她的身体一样,从腕口争先恐后地溢出,滴落在桌上的血液甚至微微烧坏了桌面。原来她的身体真的产生了...
If you love writing stories full of magic and fantastical worlds, we've got twenty fantasy short story ideas to inspire your next adventure!
If that interests you, Reedsy has its own Prompts contest you can enter. You can choose from one of five prompts every week andcreate a story based on them. It’s just five dollars to enter, and if you win, there’s a chance you could be published inPrompted, Reedsy’s very own li...
If you have any additional ideas for short story prompts for high schoolers, please share them in the comments. You can also reach out to me directly and I can share some of the short story topics I had my students write. More short story ideas ...
Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy my story. January 31, 2021 byLinda G. Hill29 Comments #JusJoJan prompt the 31st –“Candy” (FICTION) (Thanks to Janet Jim their prompts. I completely ran out of time, ...
In the short story ideas for kids listed below, the character encounters a surprising situation or runs into a dilemma. This unique twist is what makes these short exercises and story prompts a great way for students to get to know their characters on a deeper level. ...