Most short story publishers take email submissions. Some use other forms of online submissions, like forms on their site,Moksha,Hey Publisher, orSubmittable. You’ll find where and how to submit your story in the publication’s guidelines. Pay special attention to the guidelines. (I know I’m...
Greetings, children of the dark. Short and sweet here this week as I’m coming to you live from the UK Ghost Story Festival. It’s been a bit of a year of writing for me so far – I cannot believe I’ve finished a second story already, making it two stories and a total of 11...
In 2015, I created a simple plot formula for short stories. Instead of trying to make it broad enough to work for any story, I focused on making it easy to use. Rather than creating a grand formula targeted at novelists, I designed it forwriting short tales. However, the formula’s mo...
If your students are struggling to get into the short story, or you're pressed for time, here are some very brief stories to get you started. They're not as short as Hemingway's famous six-word story (For sale: baby shoes, never worn.), but they're manageable even for reluctant rea...
Like a novel outline, a shortstory outlineis a visual tool that you can quickly scan to track character arcs, storylines, thematic content, and logical consistency. A good short story outline will always include these five elements: 1.A problem: What is the key conflict that will drive your...
Parts for 16+ actors. Ten minutes long. Best suited for ages 9-13, however, this story is really ageless and may be performed by children all the way up to adults. (3 credits.) Doctor Mercury 16 characters. 8M, 8F, Flexible Cast; 8 pages in length. Approximately 5-10 minutes runnin...
No matter how good your idea, writing a story or a book can be a long difficult process. How do you create an outline, come up with a great plot, and then actually finish it? My new book The Write Structure will help. You'll learn how to take your idea and structure a strong plo...
A simple poem as frame of touching love story, defined more for simple gestures than by verses.A man and his habits.A visit and revelation about its meaning. Familiar ingredients of homosexual romance but working just well and, in good measure, exactly this remains the main virtue of a film...
I think there is a lot of room in “Zeta-Epsilon” to expand into a novel. Maybe I was disappointed because the story was too short. It could be an outline for a novel. But it needs to be dramatized. For example, how did Zep steal Ep and the spaceship? We’re just told it happ...
This compilation of short horror stories is marked by its diversity in themes and its dark, often sardonic humor. The tales are ingeniously written, each story includes a unique twist on the macabre and the mysterious. This seires is perfect for those who relish their horror in bite-sized por...