Story There was once a hand whose fingers were great friends. The owner of this hand started a dangerous job and, despite the care he gave the rest of the fingers,the thumb always came off worse, with lots of cuts and bruises.
Story Cheerful Charlie was a very special boy. When he was still tiny, and in his mother's tummy, she had had an accident,which meant that Charlie couldn't walk. But that had never been a problem for him; he had always been happy to be able to grow and become an older boy. They...
Story Related values stories The Day the Stork Stole the Wedding Colourless Tiger Grandparents versus Aliens There was once a boy who always treated his mother horribly, shouting at her, insulting her.It didn't matter to him how sad he made her. ...
“‘Como La Flor’ is a fascinating story that explores the bonds between two women, Mari and Delia, their connection to one another and the ways we come together and apart. I was impressed and intrigued by the subtle attention to these strong women characters, their psychology, their passion...
Rhetoric of Truthfulness in the Battle Between Social Attributions and Empathic Emotions of the empathic answer, together with the story's emotional impact and perceived truthfulness were measured following the reading of a short fictional story......
Maria LöschniggThe EpistolaryShortStory and theRepresentation of HistoryAbstract:Whileauthors have repeatedlychosen the narrative format of episto-lary short fiction forrendering literary perspectivesonhistoricalevents, thissub-genre has so far receivednocritical echo in discussions of theoretical andgeneric...
Over the coming days, the humans submitted calmly to their margorping. Eneg of Crisper carefully and diligently worked their codes so that humans were no longer tempted by violence or cruelty, and were coded strongly for affection and patience, for courage and truthfulness, for loyalty, decency...
Based on a close reading of the text of the short story "Mourning the Dead"(Shang Shi),the authors have found that Juan Sheng the protagonist has gone through three phases in his personality buildup,the enlightener, the individualist,and the rebel.In the process of this transition,he has ...
without applying any ethical standard, took this at face value. In fact, Oakley was 42, she was in New Jersey at the time of the story, and she was not a cocaine user. She embarked on a series of 55 libel suits against newspapers that printed the story, winning all of them but losi...
No More Jungle Law (story 2): The Mouse The ghost-hunting Zombie There was once a boy who was afraid of the dark. He thought that when it was dark his bedroom filled up with monsters. But there came a time when he was too old to be allowed to keep sleeping with the light on. ...