Why we love it: The brutality of this story sneaks up on you. For a while, you’re convinced this town is ordinary until you find out the dark consequences of blindly following tradition. This is a must-read for high schoolers, even if they’re read it before, coming to this story ...
Short Story Unit Plan Short stories hold within them the potential for both intrigue and inspiration. Additionally, they can be journeys with twists and turns of plot and nail-biting suspense. Take your high school students on a journey through the basics of short story elements, as well as ...
This 4,800-word genre-bending story was written online, in a series of seventeen, two-hour live webcasts. As one of the first stories ever composed in this manner, Pulitzer Prize-winning authorRobert Olen Butleroffers a wealth of educational initiatives for high school students with this creati...
These short stories are available online and great for middle and high schoolers! freestocks.org | Pexels | Canva Short Stories for Teens If your students are struggling to get into the short story, or you're pressed for time, here are some very brief stories to get you started....
Short Story: Tryout At Glenn High School Aziz got out of bed right as his alarm clock went off. He was ecstatic for the day ahead. He needed to hop in the shower and then eat breakfast before he could start the exciting part of his day. Today was the day for high school basketball...
Short Stories for Teens Short Stories About Identity Ray Bradbury Short Stories Raymond Carver Short Stories “The Yellow Wallpaper” Summary Short Stories Short Story Guide is designed to help middle school/high school teachers, students, and reading lovers find short stories and allow them to easi...
While it’s a bit immature for high school students, Gaiman’s tale might be too scary for elementary students. This makes it perfect for middle schoolers, who are just the right age to benefit from this story. What it Means When a Man Falls From The Sky by Lesley Nneka Arimah ...
Jason Reynolds is a genius when it comes to creating characters who seem so real it feels like you’ve met them before. This short story about a young man getting ready for the first day of school will hit your students right in the feels. They’ll laugh, they’ll relate, and they’...
The modern Spanish short story provides a useful teaching tool for the high school and college teacher of all levels of Spanish. Short stories can be read and analyzed in a limited period of time. They are adaptable to various levels of achievement and individual interest, as their diverse ...
Short story ideas for high school writers I taught high school English for almost a decade, including several creative writing courses. One of the biggest things I learned during my time as a Creative Writing teacher is that high school students really struggle to come up with ideas for strong...