fables, & many other childhood memories. The stories are illustrated with picture to stimulate imagination of our little readers. Read and enjoy story of an honest monkey, moral lesson for kids from story of a painting, funny detective story of three kids planning something big, greedy fox stor...
在这个充斥着各种信息和价值观 《》全部章节 暂无章节 【The Power of Fables: Short English Stories to Teach Moral Lessons】相关文章: 1.蛤蟆讨媳妇【哈尼族民间故事】 2.米颠拜石 3.王羲之临池学书 4.清代敢于创新的“浓墨宰相”——刘墉 5.“巧取豪夺”的由来--米芾逸事 6.荒唐洁癖 惜砚如身(米芾逸...
A fable is a short story that teaches a lesson. It ends with a warning, or moral. "Don't count your chickensbefore they hatch" is the moral of one fable. It means that you shouldn't suppose things will happen the way youwant them to.All kinds of observations about life can be ...
When children finish reading, they can know what the meaning of the story is.Another reason is that they are entertaining.The animal characters in fables are often funny and interesting. This helps make people be interested in reading them. Fables also help develop children's moral consciousness...
Why we love it: Some say this is a true story, and whether or not it’s true, it definitely has a moral—when people make a bargain, they should stick to their agreement. Ask kids to think about what kind of music the Pied Piper might have played, and why both children and rats ...
For a long time, Aesop's fables, such as The Crafty fo and the Fo and Gropes, have been popular among children, for the stories are often humorous and entertaining. Can you try to create a fable of about 80-100 words which teaches the following moral...
16. The Hungry Mouse Story with Summary Greed is such a curse! Learn an important moral from this story of a greedy mouse who eats so much he’s stuck inside the corn basket because his belly is too big. But his greed won’t let him stop eating and he eventually falls to his ill ...
This story, part of Aesop's Fables, teaches the value of hard work and preparation. Ants are known for working together to gather food and build colonies, showing teamwork. Grasshoppers represent fun and relaxation in this story but also teach that fun should be balanced with responsibility. ...
Many of the motifs in the short fables recur in the novels. In the unfinishedAmerika, for example, the boy Karl Rossmann has been sent by his family to America. There he seeks shelter with a number of father figures. His innocence and simplicity are everywhere exploited, and a last chapter...
“Dilemma”, treating one of the biggest moral questions of society, where to draw the line on when euthanasia is the right thing to do or not; “The Amish Girl” with a stunning platonic love between two people so different, yet so similar; “Big Gene”; “Clouds”, which ...