If you want any further information, please review this website's privacy policy. How long will it take to receive my critique? We aim to proofread your story / manuscript and return your critique within 6 weeks (42 days). Often, the turnaround time will be quicker than this. We will ...
Featured review10/10 Michael!! i love you! just the saying of the name Michael Jackson still gets me excited and happy. Mike is as strong today as ever. all you have to do is listen to his latest album Invincible for proof. in the dangerous short films you are given many of Mikes ...
Featured review a poem A simple poem as frame of touching love story, defined more for simple gestures than by verses.A man and his habits.A visit and revelation about its meaning. Familiar ingredients of homosexual romance but working just well and, in good measure, exactly this remains the...
Parts for 16+ actors. Ten minutes long. Best suited for ages 9-13, however, this story is really ageless and may be performed by children all the way up to adults. (3 credits.) Doctor Mercury 16 characters. 8M, 8F, Flexible Cast; 8 pages in length. Approximately 5-10 minutes runnin...
Unscheduled -> Scheduled -> Inprogress-> Inreview-> Complete You can alsocustomizethis to suit your project needs. This way, you can customize how everyStorymoves from conception to completion, possibly earning you somerareappreciation from networkengineerGilfoyle: ...
This What We Do in the Shadows review contains spoilers.What We Do in the Shadows Episode 10What We Do in the Shadows, season 1 finale, "Ancestry," ends on a note of true menace under the most innocent of facades. This makes for a muted, but satisfying sense of comic suspense. ...
The original 26-minute animation film was based on the 1978 story by Raymond Briggs, and was directed by Dianne Jackson. The new version will be made using traditional animation techniques by most of the original creative team, and will cost £2 million. It will be screened as part of ...
Preferring British and American paradigms that devoted more attention to style, subjectivity, and psychological narrative than did the dominant trends in Spanish literature of the period, Benet condemned costumbrismo and social realism as unimaginative. Carmen Martín Gaite, a gifted observer of ...
Review from Goodreads.com: InA Simple Heart, the poignant story that inspired Julian Barnes’sFlaubert’s Parrot, Felicite, a French housemaid, approaches a lifetime of servitude with human-scaled but angelic aplomb. No author has imparted so much beauty and integrity to such a modest existence...
Define Short score. Short score synonyms, Short score pronunciation, Short score translation, English dictionary definition of Short score. n. Compositions printed on unbound sheets of paper. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fift